The Hundred Awesome Followers Giveaway!

Sep 27, 2010

Hurray! It's the Hundred Awesome Followers Giveaway! To say thanks to all of you people made of awesome who follow my blog, I've got a two part giveaway-- and the best news? Everybody can win in part two!

Part I

The Prizes:

Two lucky winners will receive one of the following:

#2: an ARC copy of S.A. Bodeen's The Gardener

The rules:

You must be a follower and comment on this post to enter. That's it! The contest ends Friday, Oct. 1st at 11:59 pm EST. Winners will be announced Monday, Oct. 3rd. Open to U.S. and Canada residents only.

Part II

Everybody wins! I'll do a critique of

1) Your query letter OR
2) The first 250 words of your novel/short story/whatever

for EVERYBODY who wants one and is a follower of the blog!

(Um...yes, I might be a little crazy.)

The rules:

You must be a follower.

Simply email your query or 250 words to shallee.mcarthur [at] gmail [dot] com.

It must be IN THE BODY OF THE EMAIL. (No attachments) I'll accept them through TOMORROW, Tuesday Sept. 28th at 11:59 pm EST. (Now extended to Friday, Oct. 1st at 11:59 EST!) I'll send your critique back to you as soon as possible, and no later than the end of October.

Of course, I'm no industry expert, but I can offer the honest eye of a fellow writer.

You don't have to Tweet, Facebook, or blog to get any of this, but if you want to spread the word, I'd be very happy. :)

So get entering and emailing! And THANK YOU for your awesomeness!


Bast said...

Congrats on passing 100 followers! And ... wow! Your giveaway of critiques is ... ambitious.

Anyway, I don't live in the US, but I do have a US address :) Hope I can still enter -- I've actually been waiting to read FORESTS OF HANDS AND TEETH.

mshatch said...

Congrats on your 100th follower! Hopefully I'll get there someday...and I sure wouldn't mind winning Forests of Hands and Teeth either :)

Melissa said...

I wish to be entered into your contest, pretty please. And WOW, your query critique, 250 words is ambitious! Go you! I haven't written a query but it might be interesting to see what someone thinks of my first 250 words... so thanks! And GOOD LUCK!

Sandy said...

Congratulations on 100+ followers! That's really awesome. And so is this contest -- both of those are books I've been wanting to read. :)

And thank you for the generous query or 250-word critique offer. *goes to biff up hers*

Private said...

Congrats! 100 followers is such a milestone! Well done:) I'd join this awesome contest if I lived in the US or Canada for sure!

Michelle Merrill said...

That's awesome! Crazy is good :)

Kevin said...

Yay on 100 followers! And nice blog layout, I likey!

Colene Murphy said...

Congrats on 100!!!
Agree, crazy IS good.

Chersti Nieveen said...

That's so cool you got Dev's finished!! Woot for you :-)

M Pax said...

Woot on your milestone! Crazy is fab. :D

Cheyanne said...

Congrats on 100 followers! These books look great!

Taffy said...

This is a great contest! THANKS!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats on your 100 followers. I can't enter because I'm an Aussie and I don't have anything that's ready for Great contest though :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on 100 followers! How super exciting! Fantastic giveaway!

MTeacress said...

Now it's my turn to hang my head in shame. Why was I not following your blog? I am now, but I don't really need to be entered into the book drawing - I'm kinda scared of that book. :) However, I think I'll email you my first query when I get it written. It may be a while! Congrats on the 100+ followers!

lettucehead said...

Wow, look at you! Finished your wip and now making an awesome contest. You know I'm in :)

Nicole Zoltack said...

Great contest! Thanks!

Elena Solodow said...

Here's my entry. Thanks!

Hermana Maw said...

What a fun contest. Count me in. *Grin*

Anonymous said...

We must be thinking along the same lines, because I'm working up a giveaway for my 100 followers, too. I don't know that I'll be nearly as generous as you for critiquing something from *everyone* but kudos for doing it!

Please enter me for the books. (Books... I love books...)

Anonymous said...

Those books look great!1 And what a great contest : )

Kittie Howard said...

Crazy's great! Don't change!! I've got a story that needs a critique. Please enter me in Part II! *fingers and toes crossed* :)

Angie said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers (up to 119 now!) What a fun give away.

David P. King said...

Shoot. I missed the critique deadline. Would have been a great opportunity to share my work with you. Ah well. I'll settle for the followers contest. Good job reaching 100 followers (and now 119. You had like 69 two weeks ago. Your blog is exploding!) Keep up the good work, and thanks for offering your skills to help others.

Janet Johnson said...

You are so nice! And congrats on the followers. :) I'd love to enter both. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow 119 followers that's brilliant! How lovely of you to offer to critique work. I might take you up on it myself :O) Thank you Shallee for a lovely blogsite.

A.L. Sonnichsen said...

Yay for contests! I gave you a little award on my blog. You can choose the sweet blog award or the versatile blogger award -- or both if you want. :) I also gave a tiny mention about your contest there too.

Wow, I haven't read Forest of Hands and Teeth yet, but I would love to, and the other book looks amazing, too. I love contests!! And if I can get my act together, I will send you my stuff for critique. I am always eager for opinions from people I trust.


Margo Kelly said...

Wonderful Blog! I'm happy to follow, and I'd love to win a book! YAY!

Abby Annis said...

Congrats on reaching 100+ followers! Loved The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Gardener looks awesome! Great contest! :)

Anonymous said...

The Forest of Hands and Teeth is one I've wanted sooooo bad! Congrats on the 100 followers and here's to many more!

J.R. Johansson said...

Very cool giveaway! I've been drooling over the Forest of Hands and Teeth. :D Congrats on reaching triple digits!

Rachna Chhabria said...
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Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Shallee....the books giveaway is a great idea. Both the books look awesome. Congrats on reaching the triple digits.

Jackee said...

How cool are you?!?! It looks like I'm too late for the second one, but please enter me for the first. And thank you!

Congrats on reaching past 100 followers. Yay!

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