I'm fairly convinced that the God of Ideas lives in my bathroom.

I've had an idea for a new book rolling around inside my head for a few weeks. It came to me while I gave Gooser a bath. It's a good one, but still vague, and I've had a hard time turning it from an idea into an actual story.
But as I was doing my hair the other day, it came to me. My brain whirled and clicked as bits of the story began to gather. It still has a long way to go, but it's a lot better than the almost nothing I had before.
That's one reason I don't (always) grumble about doing mindless daily chores. While my hands are occupied with dishes or a mop or a comb, my brain is free to run wild. And for me, for some reason, the bathroom is the best place for my brain to do that. I guess it really is like my husband says: things make more sense in the shower.
So, my friends, where do you get your best ideas? What activity, time of day, or place brings out the God of Ideas in your life?
Most of my clear thinking and great ideas come when I'm immersed in water. Shower, bath, swimming, out in the rain, in a steamy rain forest environment...
Or out in a strong wind...
During my freshman year of college, mine was definitely a bathroom-muse. I often ran back to my dorm room in my bathrobe because Genius had Just Struck!
Now my muse is even less kind. I get my best ideas when I'm far from my computer (or when I've just turned it off), and I've found that the best place for that is my car (usually when I'm on the freeway).
I get mine either while I'm driving or when I'm in bed. Sometimes the ideas come as soon as I turn off the light to go to sleep (I swear, it's like a magic switch sometimes) and sometimes they come in my dreams. It depends.
Outside - when I walking and listening to music. Also, everywhere else, but for me that's a great way to relax and get in the mood for writing :)
You're right...relaxation seems to let the muse out. Maybe I should go take a long, hot bath now that I have a good excuse ;D
The shower is definitely one of my best idea-gathering places. I also tend to come up with a lot of ideas in my bed right before falling asleep. :)
My best ideas come when chatting with my husband. Both of my books stemmed from discussion with him. He's definitely my muse.
I get my ideas from my dreams, and memories from my early childhood. I spent most of it dreaming about dragons, castles, unicorns, and princes with swords so it definetly goes well with the genre I write which is fantasy. :)
In the shower and most often in my car (when I'm with NO kids in tow :-))
Since I started writing, when I'm alone in the car, I don't even turn on the radio very often because I just like to get lost in my thoughts whatever they may be and most times, it's regarding a wip or and idea for a new one.
The idea for my next book came as my sister and I were returning from a fishing trip. She asked what book I planned to write next, and I told her that I thought I'd have a woman fishing on the Snake River and her hook gets caught on the boot of a dead man in the willows.
Yeah, I like romantic suspense. :)
A lot of my ideas come when I'm cooking, or right on the verge of falling sleep. Totally inconvenient, no? Ideas have no sense of timing.
Awesome post.
Late evening is when my creative mind works at its best, and generally when I'm doing the dishes. LOL.
Definitely in the shower or while I'm driving. Probably the only moments when my kids aren't in my head. Usually on long trips. Actually, I have a lot of ideas come while I'm reading other books.
I think mine lives in my bed. That's where the good ideas always seem to hit.
Conversations, the observatory, daily life. The shower often works for me, too. Or chopping veggie for dinner. Yesterday it came from the internet. Then the husband unit. Finally. Thank goodness. :D
In the shower, almost invariably. The trick is remembering them until I can get to a pen.
Agatha Christie used to do the dishes every time she was stuck for an idea!
I'm so glad your idea is coming together!
Um...blow drying my hair is a good one. I keep a pad of paper right there for just that reason. Driving (but only when I'm alone. The kids are chatty when they're with me). And of course the shower. Oh, and when I'm watching movies.
I guess ideas pop in here and there, I just have to reach out and catch them!
I have to admit much of my inspiration comes in the bathroom. Not sure why. Maybe because I don't have all the distractions. And thanks for stopping by Alex's blog today and saying hi.
I get a lot of mine when I go for walks. You'd think that I'd walk a lot more.
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