The Show Must Go On

Jan 22, 2011

So I've got to admit, I'm at that point where I'm totally ready to give Devs a month break when it goes to beta readers. If I have to read/edit certain sections one more time, I'm going to rip my hair out.

Well, probably not. I kind of like my hair.

Regardless, I'm finding it hard to push through my last few edits. I'm pushing it, though-- I've got to finish my plot chart, fix any holes I find, and do an out-loud read through. The show must go on, right?

I'm allowing myself little breaks, though. Last night, I worked some more on TUGL, and I'm getting more excited about it the more I figure out. I've got my setting planned-- there's two main settings that simultaneously echo and contrast with each other, and are symbolic of the society itself. I've got my character relationships starting to work themselves into lovely complicated little knots. I've got my plot beginning to rise from the mud. I can't wait to give Devs a little rest and work on this one.

With any luck, once Devs is back from betas, I'll be eager to jump back into it. I do really love the story, after all. We just need a little space to redefine our relationship.

So, my friends, have you ever had to muscle through a story? Rediscover your love for it? How is your writing going right now?

And now, before I go, I'd like to say thanks to Rachna Chhabria for the Fair Dinkum award, and to Jodi Henry and Margo Kelly for the Stylish Blogger award! You ladies are awesome.


L.A. Colvin said...

I do. I get to a point where everything in the story seems bland. Even if it's a fire throwing demon attacking a nunnery. I'm like "Really? Fire? How lame"

I ususally step away a day or two and do something nowhere near writing. Then I go back and reread the parts I did like at one point and plow ahead. Usually with in a couple of scenes the excitement kicks back in. I understand completely though. You go over and over the same parts and no matter how much you love it sometimes it's more annoying than wonderful.

Lindz Pagel said...

I really had to push through the very last chapter of Blood Wind. The way I see it, I'm going to be editing the spit out it anyway so I'll forgive myself if it's not riveting this first go around.

Best of luck on your betas. I think that's one aspect of the editing process I am most excited about.

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm busy rewriting my beast of an epic after almost a month of procrasternation.

In two days, I've written ten thousand words...

I just felt very creative after I felt like writing something new. I spent a whole day working on an old idea that I had filed away.

When that was done, I felt ready to tackle the beast.

Good luck with edits!

Anonymous said...

If I were more of a plotter instead of a pantser, maybe I wouldn't have this problem as often, but I find "muscling through" to be par for the course when I've set a WiP aside, planning to get back to it, but have honestly just written myself into a dead end.

Golden Eagle said...

I'm kind of muscling through my WIP in right now.

Good luck with your edits!

Congrats on the awards!

David P. King said...

Do I ever - I'm at that point right now with my WiP. It's completely planned, yet I'm having a hard time moving forward. Going back to the beginning and rereading has really helped, but I still have eight chapters to go before I'm caught up. Lots of room for cuts and clean ups. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the matter :)

Sonia said...

There are always places where I've to force myself to go on. It's usually worth it.

Anonymous said...

Boy, sometimes I'll hit a lull in my MS and it's like pulling teeth to sit down and write through it. It's at that point that I usually start to question the entire story. It's not good enough, weak characters, sub-par plot. Until I finally manage to work through that rough spot and hit upon a wicked awesome spot where everything just falls into place. Then, the story doesn't seem so bad after all. ;)

ali cross said...

Muscle through a story? I think I go through that with every story at some point. Always nice to take a break and let it simmer for a while.

Angela Scott said...

Push, push, push is what I do. I don't plot. I write by the seat of my pants (though there is usually a bare bones plan in my head) and sometimes it's a struggle. Right now, I'm 2-3 chapters away from completing my first draft of my WIP. But, I'm feeling the pain. Endings are hard for me, but to query a MS it has to have an ending, right? So I will force myself to plug away this week and put some word goals in place. Good luck with the editing!

Angela Scott said...

Push, push, push is what I do. I don't plot. I write by the seat of my pants (though there is usually a bare bones plan in my head) and sometimes it's a struggle. Right now, I'm 2-3 chapters away from completing my first draft of my WIP. But, I'm feeling the pain. Endings are hard for me, but to query a MS it has to have an ending, right? So I will force myself to plug away this week and put some word goals in place. Good luck with the editing!

Angela Scott said...

Push, push, push is what I do. I don't plot. I write by the seat of my pants (though there is usually a bare bones plan in my head) and sometimes it's a struggle. Right now, I'm 2-3 chapters away from completing my first draft of my WIP. But, I'm feeling the pain. Endings are hard for me, but to query a MS it has to have an ending, right? So I will force myself to plug away this week and put some word goals in place. Good luck with the editing!

Angela Scott said...

Push, push, push is what I do. I don't plot. I write by the seat of my pants (though there is usually a bare bones plan in my head) and sometimes it's a struggle. Right now, I'm 2-3 chapters away from completing my first draft of my WIP. But, I'm feeling the pain. Endings are hard for me, but to query a MS it has to have an ending, right? So I will force myself to plug away this week and put some word goals in place. Good luck with the editing!

Kari Marie said...

I had to push through several chapters mid-novel. I was actually worried I was doing something wrong, messing up the story and the muse had given up. Then like magic the fog evaporated.

Congratulations on the awards!

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