
Sep 19, 2011

In June and early July, I wrote between 2,000 and 4,000 words a day and had a finished first draft in 7 weeks.

In July, August, and September, I have worked for 2 to 4 hours a day and completed three revisions of that first draft.

I'm a little tired.

So, my friends, there will be no writing--and no blogging--for me this week. I'm burned out, and ready to recharge my batteries.

I'm planning to try a few new recipes, clean my house thoroughly, take my son to the aquarium, and dig through ancient photographs and family trees to work on a family history project. I'm pretty excited about all of it-- even the cleaning.

I hope you all have a great week, and I'll see you next Monday!


Jenilyn Collings said...

Good luck relaxing and living life! Until next Monday, then.

Unknown said...

Everyone needs a break every now and then, and sounds like you definitely deserve one!

Hope you have a nice, relaxing week. :)

Jenna St. Hilaire said...

Forgive me if this duplicates... I'm wrangling Blogger tonight. :)

Three revisions in three months? Wow. Just... wow.

Knowing when to take a break is ever so important! I hope you enjoy your rest. :)

Ruth Josse said...

Sometimes I am excited to clean. Rarely. But it does happen. Have a great week!

MKHutchins said...

Enjoy the break!

Shelly said...

Have a great week!

Reece said...

The aquarium? As in, the one up here in Sandy? If so, I think you're going to like it. It doesn't look like much on the outside, but it is very well done. I love that place!

Abby Fowers said...

WOW girl you are awesome. You definitely deserve some time to recharge some batteries. :)

Cynthia DiFilippo Elomaa said...

We all need R&R I'm feeling the same.

Jessie Humphries said...

I hope u eat some ice cream too...thats a great recovery food.:)

Janet Johnson said...

Wow! Go you! You definitely deserve a break. :)

Laura Josephsen said...

That's a lot of work! Congrats, and enjoy your break!

Jenny S. Morris said...

Good for you. Have a great week off!

Jes said...

*Mystical voice* I see cocktails and a spa day in your direct future, ooo.

You've been so productive! Enjoy your time away from the keyboard :)

mshatch said...

enjoy your break :)

Angie said...

Hope you have a great week too. It's always so nice to step back and take a break now and again.

Stacy Henrie said...

Hope you have a lovely, recharging week! Everybody needs those.

Unknown said...

Just stopping back by to let you know that I passed a couple of blog awards on to you today!

DL Hammons said...

Enjoy your time away! :)

Kelley said...

Happy writing vacay :)

Julie said...

Wow! Props to you for all that writing! Impressed here ( :

Have a happy writing vacay!

P.s. Have I mentioned I love your blog background? I do! Sparkles are my fav!

Gwen Gardner said...

Good for you, Shallee! You deserve a break.

P.S. I left a couple of blog awards for you over on my site whenever you feel like stopping by!

Gail Shepherd said...

Good lord, you are a writing monster! My top limit is usually about 2,000 words in a day.

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