This is why shiny new ideas are so hard to let go

Oct 14, 2011

So I sort of maybe kinda had a new story idea I've been working on for a few days. I'm still doing revisions on TUGL, but this new story is so. freakin'. cool. And I just haven't had the willpower to do anything but start planning it. It's tentatively titled Fixer, and because I always like to have a face for my ideas, here's the mock cover:

[image removed]

It wasn't that long ago (while finishing the first draft of TUGL) that I had another shiny new idea called Perception. But Fixer is going to take precedence at the moment. The characters, storyline, and setting are flowing so much more clearly for that one. I'm not giving up on Perception, but it's going to need some more time to percolate.

Here's what I love best about shiny new ideas: they're shiny. And new. They haven't been spoiled yet by my failed attempts to try to tell the story. It's taken four drafts and will probably take several more to get TUGL to the place where I want it to be. But with a shiny new idea, I still have the big, vague, beautiful picture that hasn't gotten tangled up with details yet. I can see exactly what it can be, and what I want it to be.

I do love the writing and rewriting of the story, because I love hammering out the story so I can make it what I first dreamed of with that shiny new idea. But it's always exciting to be in that place where the story is exciting and new and perfect because it hasn't been written yet.

So, my friends, have you had any shiny new ideas lately? Do you love them or hate them? How do you deal with them?


Anonymous said...

I have had new shiny ideas. But like you said, You have to give the story that is further along the attention.

It's hard sometimes but you gotta do what you gotta do. Let's keep that idea shiny for just a little longer.

Anonymous said...

I have had new shiny ideas. But like you said, You have to give the story that is further along the attention.

It's hard sometimes but you gotta do what you gotta do. Let's keep that idea shiny for just a little longer.

Anonymous said...

oh man it double posted... sorry, I dont know why it did that.

Angela Cothran said...

I have shiny new ideas all the time, but I'm pretty disciplined (ironic because I'm not disciplined in any other part of my life :), I don't jump into something new until I finished what I'm working on.

Reece said...

YES!!!! I love shiny new ideas! But I can't tell anyone about them until I've got the foundation hammered out or they'll be ruined! (i.e. that's why I'm not saying anything about mine).

Can't wait to read TUGL!

Michelle Merrill said...

I definitely have an idea...but it's NOT coming together on the screen for the life of me. My brain just doesn't want to try ;)

And I'm really excited about your new idea. I love the covers you make.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Your covers are AWESOME. I love new ideas. I just started my shiny idea a few nights ago. Love it so far! :D

Abby Fowers said...

FUN! I love the cover. I love when I come up with shiny new ideas. Some I really love. Others are... ok.

Jessie Humphries said...

I dont have any shiny new ideas yet because I am too obsessed with finishing this one. I still think its shiny though:)

Melissa Hurst said...

I do have a few shiny new ideas. I wrote a few sentences in a Word document for each one and I'm collecting pictures that inspire me related to those ideas. Then they'll be ready when I'm finished with my current project.

Kathryn Packer Roberts said...

I am so impressed with your mock-up cover! Very creative. I'm sad that I can't go out and buy the book now, because I thought you were going to say you had a shiny new idea and then someone else already took said idea and there is now a book about it. =)

I LOVE starting on a new idea. I try not to think about anything but the project at hand, though, so I suppress those urges. But if it is something I would like to work on in the future, I will start writing stuff down just in case. Right now, though, I'm working on my second book and if I'm thinking of anything else it's generally my first book and how I would change it now that I have more experience with the craft. But my critique partners (who are amazing) usually work on at least two projects simultaneously. I am starting to see why and how they can do this. When you get burnt out on one project it's great to have another waiting in the wings.

shelly said...

I've go the first shiny idea really shiny before I can polish the other ones. Know what you mean though.

Angie said...

Love those shiny new ideas! You do the best mock covers! You ought to be a cover designer. ;)

Joe Vasicek said...

Kris Rusch did a post on this very subject a little while ago. She titled it Popcorn Kittens, after the viral video, because that's what your mind is like when this happens!

I recently dropped my other projects to pursue one of these bright, shiny ideas, and I ended up with a pretty decent story. I'm revising it now, and plan on sending it out to Writers of the Future before the end of the year.

By the way, your cover is fantastic. Once you're finished, you should put it up on Amazon and see how it does.

Margo Berendsen said...

I know what you mean about the shiny new idea that is full of potential, not yet bogged down with entanglements! So glad i'm not the only that's need 4 (or more, in my case) drafts to get my story where it needs to be. And, well, I better be honest, it's STILL not there yet. But shiny new idea? Hopefully it won't take quite so much revision. Hopefully.

LOVE the cover!!! You definitely have a talent, graphically!

Iain said...

I wish I could dream up a cover for my work. That's so cool.
If the new idea is calling you, then you should give in and start writing. The enthusiasm will show in the writing :o)
I have to admit it, I love it when the new idea starts taking shape, and you get that 'ooh!' feeling.

Jenny S. Morris said...

I totally love your mock cover! It's awesome. I am running with my old idea, and making it shiny and new. I am totally in the groove with it.

Have fun with Fixer!

Erica Senecal said...

Being a brand new writer, I can only focus on the one story I am writing, tentatively titled "Broken". My shiny new idea came out of it, which actually frustrates me b/c it takes my focus off the main story. Anyway, the other day I decided to devote the shiny new story to my first NaNoWriMo experience this November. The hope is that if I get the new idea into the PC, it will help me move fwd with the orig story. They are intertwined anyway. Broken is about Jason, who's wife, Nina, is divorcing him. Nina's backstory/story currently intrigues me more. LOL. If I can tell myself her full story, maybe it will enhance the main story when I pick it up again on December 1. Make sense?

mshatch said...

I'm currently working on revising my too big fantasy and playing with a shiny new idea which I'm actually * gulp* outlining and plotting!

Love the covers you make!

Tara Martin said...

I ALWAYS have shiny new ideas. Even if I worked 24 hours a day for a year I'd never get to all of them. I always fall in love with shiny new ideas, then start to fall out of love with them when it's time to write. Sometimes I fall so much out of love that I stop writing alltogether, but it is what it is.

Love your cover!

Rachel Frost said...

I always have shiny new ideas, too. I stayed away from them while I was working on Tsirash, but now I can finally let some of them out of the closet. Here's the weird part--my new ideas usually take form as characters, rather than plots. ;)

DL Hammons said...

I actually find shiny new ideas a distraction, robbing focus from my current WIP. It doesn't mean I don't jot them down for future revisiting. :)

Emy Shin said...

I think I'm lucky in that I haven't had SNIs recently -- lucky because I need to focus on my current WiPs. I can never resist the calls of SNIs. :)

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I love shiny new ideas, and I always jot them down with a vague outline, unless I'm free to pursue them. Right now, I'm in the middle of shining up (rewriting) an older book that has taken a long time to finish. I have found it's easy to start things, because your enthusiasm is high for something new. But the hard work is finishing up a demanding book. (I've written three books since the idea for the current rewrite was my shiny new idea). Now I simply have to finish it before I can entertain anythig new.

Unknown said...

Oh I love that cover!

I've got a shiny new idea gearing up for NaNoWriMo. I love it now but we'll see how I feel around the second week of November, hehe.

Jess said...

I've had shiny ideas! A few of them I don't like so much but everyone gets those every once in a while. I've been working on ideas to start for NaNoWriMo though! I decided I was going to start my sequel instead, but now I've got all those ideas!!

Have a great day :)

KM Nalle said...

SNI's are an addictive phenomenon all on their own. I think you are onto something with the not spoiled angle. Have fun and enjoy it while it lasts!

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