So. Hi.
I've been remarkably absent from the blogosphere lately-- both posting and commenting. In fact, I've been remarkably absent from my computer at all. I haven't actually written anything for over a month. I bailed on NaNo when I realized at 15,000 words that it is practically impossible for me to enjoy pantsing a story anymore, along with other...things. All of this absentee-ism is due to the fact that it is remarkably hard to have any mental creative energy when my body is otherwise engaged in different activities of creation.
It takes a lot of energy to create a new little person.
I'm so excited to have baby number two on the way. The Kiddo is excited for a "buddy," and the Hubs tells me he is excited to be on our way toward having ten kids (HA! Not.). Other things that currently get me excited are sleep, eating my weight in crackers and animal cookies so I don't constantly feel sick, and sleep.
So. I'm taking the rest of my first trimester off from blogging completely. I'll be back here around early January with more posts about the oodles of writing stuff I've learned lately (you know, from all that not-writing...), and ready to see what all you other blog-y people have been up to!
So, my friends, in the meantime I'll still be on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy the holidays, and see you in January!
An Announcement and a Break
Dec 7, 2011
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Shallee McArthur

Author of YA sci fi THE UNHAPPENING OF GENESIS LEE (@skyhorsepub). Gamer girl. Budding seamstress. Genealogy enthusiast. Repped by @hannahnpbowman.
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Oh Shallee take your time. You're going to need it. We will still be here when you come back :D
Take care and congrats again!!!
CONGRATS!!!! I hope you have a nice break, and get some rest. With my first child I slept and puked through the first trimester.
See you January.
Congrats again!! :D :D :D :D
This is a perfect time for a blogging break. I start mine next week. A lot of people are off over Christmas. Take care!
Cool on you. Congratulations. Have a good rest-y time. You well know you have to take the time when you have the chance.
:D Congrats! Enjoy the break, and see you in January :)
Congrats girl! We'll hold down the fort for ya:) Merry Christmas too!
Congratulations!! How exciting!
A wonderful congrats! Enjoy your break and your animal crackers ;)
Congratulations Shallee! We will miss you in the blogosphere, but you've got important things to take care of! So excited for you. We'll see you in January. :)
Congrats!!! Can't think of a better reason to sit back and relax! We'll keep the light on for ya. :)
Yay! You even posted about it :) And good for you for taking a break. I need to get a "writing" facebook account so bad. It's the only thing my preggo brain can handle! I could keep in touch so much better with people if I did that. So...that's another thing on my to-do list. And you know how fast things on my to-do list happen lately. Uh...yeah. Well, maybe it will happen in January along with everything else I have planned for the new year!
Congratulations, get some rest, and have a great holiday season!
Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you. Number 2 is a great one. I wish you luck and lots of sleep. And I'm sad to see you go, but I'll be waiting for your return.
Congratulations! I'm going through the exact same thing, baby two is consuming all my creative forces. I haven't written in months. But I'm nearing my third trimester, so hopefully I'll get back on track soon...? ha. we'll see. Anyway good luck and congrats again!
Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!
Perfect time and perfect reason to take a break! You deserve it. :) Enjoy the holidays!
Congratulations! So exciting :)
Congratulations! You're right to take a break. Hope your family have a great Christmas!
Congratulations! Enjoy yout break!
That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!
I always found the first trimester to be a wash when it came to anything writerly. Congrats and good luck! Hope you feel better soon!
Oh wow. Wonderful news, how lucky you are. I hope all goes well. Look forward to seeing you back soon.
Congratulations! Hope you feel better and we'll see you when you get back. :)
Congratulations! I'm excited for you. Take all the time you need. We're not going anywhere. And, from our house to yours, Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Congrats Shallee. You need to take rest, this new creation will require lots of it. Happy holidays. Will catch up with you on FB.
And I've not been following Twitter or Google Reader faithfully, so I missed this for a few days. Congratulations!!! Time off is totally deserved. See you back online when you feel better. :)
Congratulations! I hope you have a good break. Enjoy the holidays and come back when you are ready.
Congratulations!! Enjoy your time off and get the rest you need!
Congratulations to you and your husband! I hope you'll have an absolutely fabulous holidays break, and I'm looking forward to more posts from you in January.
Yay! I'm a little late to the party, but congratulations! And happy first trimester. As a mom of 5, I totally understand!
Congratulations on your new "creation". You are doing the right thing.
Woohoo, congratulations!! I'm also expecting my second and it threw a huge wrench in NaNo. How exciting!! Hope to see you back by your second trimester.
Congrats on the new baby on the way! And I totally agree-- it takes a lot of energy to create a person. :D
Congratulations! You're right, it takes an enormous amount of energy to create a new human! Take your time and get lots of rest...I love what one of my daughters in law told my son, "I can grow human beings inside my body. What's your super power?"
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