I have no exciting/intelligent blog post for today, mostly due to the fact that I was out late on a date with my hubby last night-- yay for dates! On that note, check out the movie John Carter. It's actually a lot of fun.
So, since I rarely put much personal stuff up, I thought I'd finally do something about the tags I received from Ruth Josse and Laura Josephsen. I'm going to cheat, though, and just pick a few questions from each of them to answer.
1. Have you ever milked a cow?
No. But I did once milk a goat at the state fair. I think I was like eight, and the farmer told me I was the best goat-milker he'd ever seen, and I had a job at his farm whenever I wanted it. So I guess if this writing thing doesn't pan out, I've got a career in goat-milking on standby.
2. Who is the biggest influence in your life right now?
This might be cheesy, but my husband. Not only is he incredibly supportive of me in everything I do, he's also a great example to me of hard work. He also reminds me that it's okay to play, and he helps me keep my perspective in life. I'd take him over Edward Cullen six million times.
3. Where would you bury treasure if you found some?
Ha! Like I'm going to tell you. ;) I did, however, once take a plastic bucket and create a time capsule with a friend. We made sure to label things like candles, in case future archaeologists needed a bit of help. That time capsule is still buried in the side yard of my childhood home. I've considered knocking on the door and asking the current residents if I can dig it up, but they might find that a little weird.
4. Are you a cat or a dog or a monkey person?
Dog person, for sure. I've had a dog ever since I was 9 months old (except now that dogs are not allowed in my apartment). Though I did claim a stray cat in Ghana that frequented the beach-side cafe I went to often. She came up to me every day to play and eat biscuits (cookies).
So, my friends, that's a bit of fun about me. Now what about you? Have you milked a cow? Do you prefer cats, dogs, monkeys, or other? Who's the biggest influence in your life? And where is your treasure buried?
Milking Goats and Buried Treasure
Mar 27, 2012
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Shallee McArthur

Author of YA sci fi THE UNHAPPENING OF GENESIS LEE (@skyhorsepub). Gamer girl. Budding seamstress. Genealogy enthusiast. Repped by @hannahnpbowman.
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Just plain sweet about your hubby :) Makes me smile. And who the heck is a monkey person anyway?
My hubby is TOO. I'd take him over Eddie any day. ;0) Oh, you should knock on their door and ask to dig it up. The worst they can do is so no.
Goat Milker, It's a pretty snazzy title.
A date is sooo romantic and you deserve a break (with all the writing and now a baby on its way :) )
Great answers. I wouldn't tell people where I would bury treasure either. I haven't milked a cow, but I have fed a calf milk through a bottle before and ridden a cow. And I'm a cat person, but we can still be friends. :)
Totally not cheesy that your husband is your inspiration, more like awesomeness X10. You go girl!
Ha! Great questions and answers.
I have never milked a cow. The thought of it grosses me out a bit, who knows why.
Yay for date nights! That needs to happen at my house...
I love that you made a time capsule! It would be cool if you dug it up but maybe even cooler if someone else dug it up years and years from now. :)
This is a really great post. I enjoy reading your blog, nice job.
Maybe I'm a dork, but I would love it if someone knocked on my door and said there was a hidden time capsule in my backyard. You should totally tell them about it someday, especially if they have kids. What fun!
Great answers! It's always nice to have supportive husbands.
I've milked a goat too! :D I wouldn't want to make a career out of it though... ;)
Haha, you should totally milk goats for a living. When you have a talent, you have to use it. :)
Hahahaha. Love this post. The title sucked me in and kept me chuckling. At least you have a backup plan, if this writing gig don't pan out, I just plan to keep on writing. Not. The. Brightest. eh? hee hee.
My family owns a Dairy business, so yes, I have milked a cow. Even birthed a cow. That was nasty!
Your husband being an influence is not creepy at all. Good for the both of you!
And I'm definitely a dog person! :)
I tried to milk a goat on a Girl Scout trip, but I wasn't very good at it! I'm a cat person, but I love dogs too, and when I was a kid, I actively campaigned for a monkey. I was denied-surprise, surprise! :-)
There's nothing cheesy about your husband being your biggest influence. :)
I tried to milk a cow once, a long time ago. I got about three drips out of it. Easier to hook them up to a milk machine thingy. I'm impressed at your milking prowess. And I'm a dog person.
A monkey would be the coolest, but they always turn on their owners. So if you want an animal that cares for itself...get a cat, but if you want one that's loyal and will hang with you...get a dog...
Hope you're having a good day Shallee!
Hi, I think I'm a cat person. Ever since I was a baby. Cats just compliment me--my curiousity and definite love of napping. LOL!
I am most def a Unicorn or a Pegasus. Why were these not choices?
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