Let the Querying Begin!

Aug 29, 2012

As of last night at approximately 11:26, The Unhappening of Genesis Lee is DONE. WOOT! And this time, I mean done for real. As in, so done I'm jumping into the querying trenches. At any given moment, this is how I feel about that:   And now, in case you care at...

The Coming of Querying...and Writer Therapy

Aug 23, 2012

Short post this week, because I'm mere days away from finishing The Unhappening of Genesis Lee! Like, REALLY finishing this time. As in, it's been through crit group, a dozen betas, and at least a dozen rewrites. This is the final, nit-picky edit I'm doing now, and then...(gulp) to querying. Querying always gets me nervous/excited. (Always? What am I saying. This is only my second...

Deadlines-- Do you have 'em?

Aug 14, 2012

I'm a very type-A kind of person. I thrive on things like schedules, deadlines, and organization. So it's sort of killed me that I missed my personal deadline for finishing The Unhappening of Genesis Lee. See, I had planned to finish around the first of July. But I was nine months...

The Uncertainty of Rewrites

Aug 8, 2012

Maybe it's because I'm extra tired from getting up at night with a new baby and chasing my toddler around all day, but I'm feeling rather uncertain about the final revision I'm doing on my book. Who am I kidding? I ALWAYS feel uncertain when doing certain revisions on my book. Namely,...

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