Defining your Physical Space to Promote Creativity-- The Feng Shui of Writing

Jul 1, 2013

Okay, so I actually know next to nothing about Feng Shui. But when I was at the LDStorymakers conference in May, Sandra Tayler did a whole class on structuring your life to promote creativity. One thing in particular stuck out to me: your physical space.

See, I don't have an office. Or a desk. Or even a little nook to do my writing. I have...wherever I take my laptop. A corner of the couch or the kitchen table usually is what I get, and it works. But sometimes, I really, REALLY wish I had an actual, dedicated space for writing. Somewhere that is just for that, where I can escape just a bit from the rest of life and focus on the lives I'm creating with words.

In her class, Sandra pointed out that you DO need some kind of space that is completely dedicated to your writing. That physical space is like a trigger to your brain: "It's writing time now." So what's a writer to do when you don't have a room just for writing? need a space. That doesn't necessarily mean a room. Or a nook or desk or whatever. Your writing space can be encapsulated in something as small as-- get this-- a laptop.

It's writing time! And cute baby time! (My baby's
cuter. Just sayin'.) source
One of Sandra's ideas was to have something you could (literally or figuratively) open and close. This idea works really well for me. When my laptop is open, it's writing time. When it's closed, it's mommy time. Of course, this doesn't always work perfectly. I still mess around on the internet when the laptop's open, and I have writing ideas while I'm mommy-ing that I jot down so I can play with them later when it's writing time again.

In general, though, my laptop is MY SPACE. I even "decorate" it, putting up rotating background pictures that relate to my current project. It's helped a lot to keep me focused so I don't start feeling frazzled. It really has started to "train my brain" to write when the computer is open, and it's like the whole writing section of my brain opens along with my laptop!

So, my friends, what is your space? Is it dedicated to your writing? And how's writing and life going for ya'll since I've been MIA for a while?


David P. King said...

My space? A little corner that's too close to the TV. :)

shelly said...

My kitchen table or my couch. Sometimes my bed.

Hugs and chocolate,

L said...

Dining room table for me. Problem is not where I work, but other people letting me work - it's a case of "You're only writing" as if that means I can be interrupted! Your children are small and can be excused for wanting your attention, but adults?
Rant over.

Jessie Humphries said...

I need to give this some good thought. It used to be that my favorite writing space was book store couches and Starbucks tables, where creativity and action swirled around me but no one bothered me. But now, I'm feeling too cold by the A/C or too irritated by the guy who doesn't stop staring, etc.

Johanna Garth said...

This is so true! My space is my own private laptop, password protected, that takes me to my writing space anywhere I take it.

Karen Elizabeth Brown said...

I have a laptop on a TV tray that I can move around. But I usually write in the living room, TV off and windows closed to avoid distraction. I like the solitude it brings me. Then, when I go out and get new ideas, I have a notebook in my purse to scribble on. That's handy.

ilima said...

I'm so spoiled. I do have my own writing office. Best part is it's on the other side of the house away from all the chaos, so it's quiet and private and I just want to pet it and call it my precious. :)

Teralyn Rose Pilgrim said...

I have my very own desk in a study that I share with my husband. Problem is, the entire room is a MESS. I've often thought I would be more productive if my space was more conducive to being creative. Maybe I should clean up today...

September C. Fawkes said...

I have my space, spoiled enough to have it all set up so I don't have to put my notes away. But if you really want to write, you can make anywhere work if you are serious enough.

DL Hammons said...

I have a desk in the corner of the living room, but I would really prefer my own room. My wife promises me I can take over our departed son's room as soon as I sell a book. (I also get a hot tub!)


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