Finding Inspiration-- Filling Yourself so Your Writing Can Fill Others

Sep 4, 2013

I love writing. I love creating. I love finding a story that inspires me, that I want to tell so it inspires others. But lately, in addition to my blog silence, I've had trouble putting words on paper (or computer screen).

I don't know why. I've been fighting with it. I've rearranged my schedule. I've forced my butt into that chair. I've commanded my fingers to type and get those stupid little letters to form words to form sentences to form a story. And I haven't enjoyed it much, and that kills me.

Writing is an act of creation. Creating something takes energy-- a special type of creative energy from inside you. Of course, the act of creating often gives some of that very energy back. But lately, I've had a particular dearth of that energy. Things in my life have been hectic, with some unexpected changes that will be for the better, but at the moment tend to drain my energy, creative or otherwise.

Luckily for me, Labor Day weekend gave me an opportunity to fill my tank. In a place called Duck Creek exists the most perfect woodlands known to man (or at least known to me). I spent time circling lakes, wandering the forest, roasting marshmallows around the fire, and laying in hammocks watching the clouds. I was immersed in Someone Else's creation, and it filled me and inspired me.

I always find inspiration and creative energy in the creations of someone else. Books, movies, nature, music, good food-- all these things took creative energy to make, and they're still brimming with it. I can fill myself up with it, and then turn around and create something that will fill up another person down the road. It's what I love about creating-- knowing that some day, someone else might benefit from my creative works.

I'm ready to go again. Excited and happy to think about channeling that energy I found into something new and wonderful. And if that energy starts draining again, I'm glad I remembered where to find it.

So, my friends, where do you find inspiration? How do you fill your own creative coffers? How was your weekend?


Jenilyn Collings said...

Hooray for feeling renewed and excited to write again!

I find a lot of inspiration in talking with people and brainstorming, both for my ideas and for their ideas. It really helps me get excited about writing. :-)

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Shallee,

Glad you're re-energized for your writing. Stepping away from the computer does help when we're drawing blanks. You got some nice pictures.

Hope your sister and her family are doing well.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Yes! It can be so hard but so worth it when I take (or force myself) to have a break. Other times I go crazy because real life forces the break on me. And not fun breaks either. lol

Suzanne Furness said...

Glad you are feeling energized, we all need to top up our creative tanks occasionally.

Mark said...

Writing is indeed an act of creation...although to my tired eyes and sleep deprived body it sometimes feels like an act of destruction as well...but that could also be due to caring for an 8-month-old baby (shrug) :)

Emily R. King said...

Everyone needs to refill their Inspiration Tank on occasion. A really great book does it for me.
Glad you had a good weekend!

ilima said...

Ooh, that sounds sooo wonderful. I'm glad you're back to feeling inspired. And I love that idea of enjoying someone else's creation and then creating something for someone else.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Glad you got inspired, it's awful when you feel in the dumps.

Stina said...

I go for a run. Too bad my running place doesn't look like where you live, Shallee.

alexia said...

Glad you're refilled! Hmmm, I do a lot of things I guess. Take a break for a few days, watch movies or read, sit outside. I draw great inspiration from nature, for sure.

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased that your muse found you in such a beautiful place.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I've been suffering a dry spell too, but not for lack of wanting to write, it's just so hard to find the time lately.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

That area is absolutely beautiful. I envy you! :-)

I listen to epic soundtracks and re-read bits of the authors who first made me want to write myself.

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting!

Haneen Ibrahim said...

O My I love this post! You look and sound so happy, and your even talking wizdom, Good for you YODA:D
I find inspiration in the stories of authors and how they made it, but nature and music, taking days off and a good book are big sources too. I also tend to remind myself of my goals and dreams and it works, something about seeing them written down puts a spell on me.

Unknown said...

I loved this blog post! We share the same process of regenerating. A few days in the woods does wonders for my muse.

Cherie Reich said...

Beautiful pictures!

And I think we all need a break sometimes, so we can refill our creative energies.

L said...

Looks inspirational. I am rather ashamed to say that I find inspiration in newspaper stories and just hearing the stories of ordinary people; how did such a situation occur and what if it happened in a different way.

Karen Elizabeth Brown said...

I'm glad you have a place you can go to re-energize. It's important to be able to take care of the inner you.
I like to get lost in music. The sounds invigorate me and put pictures in my mind. When I'm stuck, I put my headphones on and zone out until I'm charges up again.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures. So much green!!!
I'm glad you were able to escape and re-energize your creative batteries. :)
Since I can't afford that yet, I try to make do with a lot of reading.
Happy writing to you. :)


Yolanda Renée said...

Sometimes a break is called for, even your muse can sometimes use new scenery! Welcome back! Wishing you inspiration!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Wow!! Duck Creek looks like such an awesome place for recharging those creative batteries. I LOVE the photos.

Meredith said...

Going out into nature is definitely my favorite way to refuel and find inspiration. Just getting outside at all--going for a jog or walk--usually helps. And going to anything artistic--a museum, the ballet, a play--leaves me feeling inspired, as well. So glad you've got your writing energy back!

Neurotic Workaholic said...

Duck Creek looks beautiful. I wish I could go there; it would be a nice break from Chicago. One thing that inspires me is watching a really good play. Seeing someone's writing come to life right on stage always motivates me to go home right after the show and write.

Unknown said...
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Leigh Covington said...

It's good to know a super woman like you can feel this way too (not that I want you feeling depleted,) but it helps me feel like I'm not the only one. :) I love reading a good book or just having a great get away to enjoy nature. That is always inspiring to me. I hope to find that energy again soon too and I certainly hope you got yours replenished over the weekend. :D

E. M. Prokop said...

I find getting to the gym and having a tough workout somehow gets my creative side going. When I come home, I'm ready to write. The beauty of nature helps at times too...I love your pics of the lake!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures. I'm also inspired by nature.

Tara Tyler said...

excellent! beautiful inspiration! love hiking thru nature! i miss it! so glad you were reinspired!

reading & movies help me too, but people watching is where is where i get most of my ideas!

happy friday!

September C. Fawkes said...

Glad things are looking better for you :)

nutschell said...

sometimes all you need is to get away to a new place. :)

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