Salt Lake Comic Con ARC Giveaway!

Sep 3, 2014

I'm SO excited to be paneling at Salt Lake Comic Con tomorrow and Saturday! I've been stuffing my brain full of all things My Little Pony, writing for teens, worldbuilding, and SFF girls to prep-- how fun is that? I also get to help man the booth for Dungeon Crawlers Radio for a few hours on Saturday, which is just awesome.

And even better? Tomorrow marks two months until The Unhappening of Genesis Lee hits shelves! To celebrate, I'll be giving away ONE PRECIOUS ARC of the book at Comic Con!

Gonna be there? Want the book? All you have to do is track me down and be the first person to ask nicely! Here's my schedule for tomorrow, or look for me on the floor. I'll be the blonde with blue and purple highlights wearing a Doctor Who t-shirt!

5:00 pm: Go Teen Writers! Room 255C
6:00 pm: Women of Sci Fi and Fantasy: More than Just Strong, Room 255E

And if you're not the lucky winner, I'll still give you a signed bookmark and a button, so track me down anyway! Here's my Saturday schedule, too:

12:00 PM: Are You a Brony or a Pegasister? My Little Pony Fans Unite! Room 355D
1:30-4:00 PM: At the booth for Dungeon Crawlers Radio (booth R48)
5:00 PM: Building a Move-In Ready World, Room 255B

So, my friends, hope to see you there!


Dianne K. Salerni said...

That's so awesome that your publisher is sending you to a Con as a panelist. I am totally jealous!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Have fun at the con!!

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